(2 - 3 Days)
Get The Best Start Possible
We believe that children in the Prep age range learn best through play in a nurturing, supportive environment. Our staff team has been picked specifically for their experience and expertise in working with children in the early years. Each child will be given the opportunities and resources they need to develop during this crucial period in their education.
Attending Prep at Medowie Christian School equips children with the social and intellectual skills they need to thrive as they enter the next stage of their academic experience. Our aim is to build on strengths and weaknesses alike, creating an individually tailored programme of provision that sets every child up for success.

Prep Program Eligibility
The Prep program is designed for children to attend in the year before they commence Kindergarten. Your child needs to turn 4 by March 31 in order to attend.
The Prep program operates in two groups. One group comes each Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday and the second group each Thursday and Friday.
The purpose of the Prep year is to ensure learners are confident and equipped with the correct skills to take full advantage of the education opportunities available to them in future years. We are an inclusive school and welcome each and every child that chooses to become part of the Medowie Christian School family.
For many of our Prep children, this initial introduction to education enables them to form friendships that will last throughout their life at school and beyond.
We Create Foundations for Future Success
Our curriculum focuses on giving children the opportunity to learn not only the study skills they will need but also the social skills necessary to succeed in life. Our fusion of expert teaching alongside skilled support from our teaching assistant ensures children have plenty of support to master the skills needed to hit the ground running in their next year of education.
Reinforcing social skills such as sharing and taking turns ensures children learn to play their part in the school community. We take both the mental and physical well-being of our students seriously, ensuring they have the right assistance from the minute they start in the Prep educational setting.
What Our Christian Prep Teachers Teach
As well as the skills necessary to master academic work at a later date, we also teach independence and how to operate in the school environment. From being able to hang up their coat on the right peg to learning the social etiquette necessary to succeed in the classroom, children leave our Prep setting ready for the next step in their education.
At the same time, we also prioritise fun, laughter and nurture - we want our Prep learners to enjoy their time with us and grow as individuals.
Looking to Enrol Your Child In Our Prep Christian School Program?
If you feel that your child would benefit from the Prep environment, we look forward to welcoming you to Medowie Christian School for a visit. This will give you the opportunity to see first-hand what happens in our classrooms and acquaint yourself with the ethos and values that define our school.
We recognise that choosing the right school for your child is about far more than simply looking at a prospectus or comparing exam results. Often it's the ambience of the school - the relationships between the teachers and children, or the way in which the children interact with one another - that is the deciding factor in opting for one school over another.
The best way to experience Medowie is to accompany the principal, Dan Weeks, on a Principal's Tour. Not only will you see all parts of the school, but there will also be ample opportunity to "get a feel" for the way in which Medowie operates. Mr Weeks will be happy to provide any information you need during the tour, as well as answer questions, provide further clarification or provide any other details you need to aid your decision-making process.